Full Size Standard Poodle

The Standard Poodle is the largest variety of the Poodle breed. On average, they will grow to around 24 inches tall, weighing somewhere between 40 and 70 pounds.

But, any Poodle over 15 inches is classed as a Standard size.

This breed is active, playful, and very intelligent. They can make great family companions as well as loyal working dogs, but need plenty of exercise!

The American Kennel Club first recognized the Poodle as a breed in 1887.

What we do know is that this is an old breed, with a history stretching back to the 15th century at least.

Poodles typically live between 12 and 15 years, but the size of the poodles plays a role in how long they live. Standard poodles live for anywhere between 11 and 13 years, miniature poodles last between 14 and 16 years, and toy poodles live for anywhere between 14 and 16 years.

Similarly, the Standard Poodle’s distinctive cut has evolved from the way they were shaved by their hunter owners in the past.

Owners clipped their Poodles rear ends to make it easier for them to swim and retrieve waterfowl. The bands left at their ankles are supposed to have kept their joints warm in the harsh waters.

But, whether this is correct is just speculation isn’t clear.

What we do know is that these days, Standard Poodles are usually clipped all over when used as gun dogs. It is only show dog Poodles who are shaved in the stereotypical style.

Some Of My Favorite Pictures

My Owner Monkying Around

What is that on my owners head? Oh its nibbles the monkey.

Why Are You Waking Me Up

Hey, hey can you see I am trying to sleep here.

Warm And Cozy

I am nice and warm and cozy, my sweater keeps me warm.

Hanging Out With My Friends

Me and my friends are in the kitchen asking when dinner is.

I Love To Sleep

I love snuggling under my blanket and catching some Zzzzzz.

Well Hello There

I love having my picture taken, see me smiling.